Minimal player to demonstrate issues on dispmanx

Stuart Axon stuaxo2 at
Fri Dec 16 13:28:57 UTC 2016

Hi All,   Apologies for anyone already on bugzilla that already got spammed by the new tickets below :)

I put together a minimal player that demonstrates all the issues I could find with playback on the raspberry pi + opened new bugzilla entries where appropriate. 
Program to demo issues:

The program moves to the next file every 3 seconds - which seems to be a good stress test.
 I'm doing something similar IRL, except there is control from the network moving to the next file at {arbitrary time}...    having a timer, makes for much simpler code.

It lets you use "set_window_handle" by passing --enable-bcm and try different delays between changing files (small delays cause an issue).

There are test images in various formats (RGB png, RGBA png and jpeg).

Bugzilla issues
[New] 776166: On a Pi pipeline state has to be set to NULL to change file src

[New] 776167: Advancing files too quickly seems to cause a black screen

[Existing] 776141: RGB pngs do not display: rgb_pngs/*
[New] 776165: JPEGS do not display or display a glitched screen

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