Creation_time extracted from video container

Carl Karsten carl at
Fri Dec 16 23:47:21 UTC 2016

I can tell you it is pain - different formats store it in different places.

Lucky for me I have a limited number of formats to deal with, here is what
I currently use:

discoverer = GstPbutils.Discoverer()
d = discoverer.discover_uri('file://{}'.format(pathname))
tags= d.get_tags()

On Fri, Dec 16, 2016 at 2:38 PM, jack <jackstuff3 at> wrote:

> Hi Mikl,
> Yes, I was able to get that to work for me, but including all the
> necessary libraries makes my program grow from 50k to 79Mb. So my problem
> is solved, I just want to figure out how to simply open the file and read
> the data.
> Jack
> Sent from my Verizon 4G LTE smartphone
> -------- Original message --------
> From: Michael Yarochkin <michael.yarochkin at>
> Date: 12/16/16 2:16 AM (GMT-07:00)
> To: Discussion of the development of and with GStreamer <
> gstreamer-devel at>
> Subject: Re: Creation_time extracted from video container
> Hello, Jack
> This data is extracted by ffmpeg from metadata.
> Did you tried to use
> development/advanced/metadata.html
> Metadata -
> <>
> Metadata. GStreamer makes a clear distinction between two types of
> metadata, and has support for both types. The first is stream tags, which
> describe the content of a ...
> Mikl
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