Gstreamer Segment Event Problem

Sebastian Dröge sebastian at
Wed Jan 6 00:08:00 PST 2016

On Mi, 2016-01-06 at 12:45 +0530, Sujata Gaddemane wrote:
> Hi,
> Given a video file, I am trying to play the video from a given start
> time to a given end time.
> I am trying to achieve this using Segment Event as follows:
> 1. Firstly, I am creating and initialising a segment.
> 2. Created a segment event using gst_event_new_segment()
> 3. Send the segment event to the pipeline using
> gst_element_send_event()
> But, The video just plays from the beginning and not from the start
> time.
> The segment event does not have an effect on the playback eventhough
> the event is reaching the sink element of the pipeline (verified by
> gst debug messages).
> [...]
> If I use, SEEK event it works fine, but Segment event does not.  How
> does SEGMENT event differ from SEEK event?

SEEK is for requesting upstream of a pipeline to go to a different
stream time and/or possible change the playback rate. SEGMENT is for
upstream to tell downstream about the configured segment, which is
including all the timing information needed for synchronization.

What you want here is the SEEK event.

Sebastian Dröge, Centricular Ltd ·

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