How to get current bandwidth of the network in gstreamer

gstreader reachtoarpi at
Sat Jan 16 17:15:53 PST 2016


Is there any way to find the bandwidth of a gstrtpbin stream over the
network? On the
server side I need to find the outgoing bandwidth and on the client side 
need to find out the incoming bandwidth in my streaming application.

In my streaming application I have tried to get the bandwidth value in
server side using the following code

/* give some stats when we receive RTCP */
  g_signal_connect (rtpbin, "on-ssrc-active", G_CALLBACK

static void
on_ssrc_active_cb (GstElement * rtpbin, guint sessid, guint ssrc,
    GstElement * pay)
  GObject *rtpsession, *rtpsource;
  gdouble bandw;

  g_print ("\nGot RTCP from session %u, SSRC %u\n", sessid, ssrc);

  /* get the right session */
  g_signal_emit_by_name (rtpbin, "get-internal-session", sessid,
  g_print("Bandwidth of the session:%f\n",bandw);

But, I am getting wrong value of bandwidth which is not matching with my
system upload speed/bw.

Please help how to get network bandwidth in gstreamer application.

Thanks in advance.

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