
Jerry Geis geisj at pagestation.com
Thu Jan 28 05:25:05 PST 2016

>As you can see, there is a not negotiated error. So something in that
>pipeline is linking incompatible things

/usr/local/bin/test-launch "( uvch264src device=/dev/video0
iframe-period=1000 auto-start=true ! queue !
video/x-h264,width=1920,height=1080,framerate=(fraction)30/1,profile=high !
queue ! rtph264pay pt=99 name=pay0  pulsesrc ! audioresample ! audioconvert
! mulawenc ! rtppcmupay pt=97 name=pay1 )"

This "seems" like a pretty good pipeline, especially since it used to work
in 0.10 series.

Any suggestions on how I determine what the 1.4.5 series doesn't like ?

I mean clearly I agree, "there is a not negotiated error". I have done a
gst-inspect-1.0 X for each element and all are present.


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