v4l2src rtsp streaming connect error

Nicolas Dufresne nicolas.dufresne at gmail.com
Wed Jul 13 13:23:34 UTC 2016

Le mercredi 13 juillet 2016 à 00:32 -0700, JongIlLee a écrit :
> Impossible to access client error:
> [0x7f7ab4000ed8] live555 demux error: Failed to connect with rtsp: //
> LocalIP: 8554 / test
> [0x7f7abc0009b8] main input error: open of `rtsp: // LocalIP: 8554 /
> test
> 'failed
> -------------------------------------------------------------------
> -----------------------------------------
> server error:
> libv4l2: error setting pixformat: Device or resource busy
> ------------------------------------------------------------

You can't use v4l2src from the same device in two separate pipelines.
What you most likely want is to use:


This will ensure that for a certain rtsp path, the same pipeline will
be used. This is specificly needed for live pipelines.

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