Pulsesink: "Got Underflow"

Arun Raghavan arun at arunraghavan.net
Wed Jun 1 10:28:55 UTC 2016

On Wed, 1 Jun 2016, at 03:46 AM, Cole Bush wrote:
> Hello,
> I am using an external soundcard for my input and output for a gstreamer
> application. As a starting point I am running the pipeline:
> gst-launch-1.0 -v pulsesrc volume=1.0 ! pulsesink       with GST_DEBUG=2.
> This keeps spamming a warning that says:
>  .... WARN     pulse
> pulsesink.c:702:gst_pulsering_stream_underflow_cb:<pulsesink0> Got
> underflow
> I haven't been able to figure out what this means exactly. The signal is
> coming from an aux cord connected to my mp3 player. I can hear what is
> playing if i turn up the different volumes a lot, so i am guessing this
> means the signal isn't quite strong enough. Is there a way to fix this
> via
> software or is it more likely a hardware problem?

The underflows might signal that the input rate is different from the
output rate (which might happen if the input and output devices are
different cards).

The signal level being too low might be dependent on your MP3 output or
your pulsesink stream volume might be too low. If it's the former, you
can set a volume higher than 1.0 to add som software gain. You want to
be careful to not cause clipping and to also not damage your hearing if
you're playing this live.

-- Arun

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