tcpserversink (or tsmux) issue with 1.7.90

Peter Maersk-Moller pmaersk at
Sun Mar 6 16:30:14 UTC 2016


I have a problem with the 1.7.90 version for the pipeline shown below. The
pipeline works fine for 1.6.3, but for 1.7.90, nothing comes out of the
tcpserversink although plenty of packets flows into it.

The flow out of tcpserversink is initally tested with the command

        nc localhost 5010 | od -c

and subesequently tested with both vlc and a gstreamer pipeline with

If the tcpserversink option 'sync-method=2' is removed from the pipeline,
then version 1.7.90 tcpserversink will send data, but VLC can never decode
it successfully. If the tcpserversink option 'sync-method=2' is removed
from the pipeline for 1.6.3, VLC and others can still play the stream, but
it can take longer to find the first image to decode.

Similar issues have been seen before where the problem usually has been
mpegtsmux not setting flags correct or in a way tcpserversink would expect.

Note that the live pipeline sets timestamps upon input and subseqently the
timestamps do not start from zero.

Think this needs to be resolved before 1.8.0 is released so we don't get a
stable release out there with a tsmux/tcpserversink issue, but that is just
a suggestion.

Below is the pipeline.

/usr/local/bin/gst-launch-1.0 -v fdsrc fd=0 do-timestamp=true ! queue !\
        audio/x-raw,format=S16LE,layout=interleaved, rate=44100,channels=2
        queue ! audioconvert ! audiorate !\
        faac bitrate=128000 !\
        audio/mpeg,mpegversion=4, stream-format=raw !\
        aacparse ! queue !\
        muxer. shmsrc socket-path=/tmp/mixer1 do-timestamp=true
is-live=true !\

        queue max-size-bytes=0 leaky=2 max-size-buffers=30 !\
        videoconvert ! queue !\
        x264enc bitrate=3499 tune=zerolatency speed-preset=6 key-int-max=60
bframes=0 !\
        video/x-h264,alignment=au,stream-format=byte-stream,profile=main !\
        h264parse ! queue !\
        mpegtsmux name=muxer !\
        tsparse ! queue ! tee name=tstream !\
        rtpmp2tpay !\
        udpsink host= port=10072 sync=false tstream. !\
        tcpserversink port=5010 host= sync-method=2

Best regards
Peter Maersk-Moller
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