Getting native video file framerate & muting alsasink

Gottfried Haider gottfried.haider at
Tue Mar 15 00:12:23 UTC 2016


I am working on integrating current GStreamer into Processing
(Java-land). There are two things I am currently struggling with - any
advice would be much appreciated!

Is there a straightforward way to get the native framerate of a
video-file, which is playing via playbin? I found a code snippet
online that looked for a double named "framerate" in the caps, but
this doesn't seem to work for me [1].

Is there a way to change the volume or even completely mute the audio
track that is using alsasink (via playbin)? I natively tried setting
the "volume" or "mute" properties of playbin on the fly, but this
doesn't seem to have an effect [2], whether the pipeline is paused or
not. A limitation of alsasink, or am I doing something wrong?



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