appsrc flushing, or decoder flushing

Ash 20001 ash20001 at
Tue Mar 22 23:08:41 UTC 2016

I have a pipeline that takes in raw H264 frames, parses them and passed them to a HW OMX h264 Decoder using decodebin and then render to the scren:
gst-launch-1.0 -v filesrc location=out.264 ! h264parse ! decodebin ! xvimagesink
I have converted this pipeline into C++ code using appsrc as the source. The pipeline requires several frames before it actually start to output (around 7 frames by my calculations, depending on content). So if my appsrc is a live source, I can never seem to render the most up to date frame because it is always 7 frames behind. Is there a way to set something on the pipeline or flush the pipeline for live sources? 		 	   		  
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