AW: Video corruption in rtsp server with appsink->appsrc

Thornton, Keith keith.thornton at
Tue Mar 29 10:29:58 UTC 2016

I have a similar pipeline based on the rtsp appsrc example. I use the client_connected and client_closed callbacks to start and stop my pipeline. I can attach and detach clients more than once.

Von: gstreamer-devel [mailto:gstreamer-devel-bounces at] Im Auftrag von Serj TorresSoldado
Gesendet: Dienstag, 29. März 2016 11:34
An: Discussion of the development of and with GStreamer
Betreff: Re: Video corruption in rtsp server with appsink->appsrc

I have just noticed this happens with the gst-rtsp-server examples as well.

I am using the 1.6 branch.

On 28 March 2016 at 21:50, Serj TorresSoldado <torres.soldado at<mailto:torres.soldado at>> wrote:
Hi All,

 I am doing a sink -> src push. The sink is in a separate pipeline and the src is created by gst-rtsp-server when creating the media pipeline.

 I have tried both using a pull (need-data signal) and push (new-sample) methods and the result is the same.

 I am copying the buffer from the sink to the source. I am setting the PTS on the copied buffer otherwise after the first client disconnects I am unable to connect again.

 GST_BUFFER_PTS(bufcpy) = client->timestamp_;
 client->timestamp_ += GST_BUFFER_DURATION(bufcpy);
 gst_app_src_push_buffer(client->appsrc_, bufcpy);

 When cofiguring the client I have "played" with the following appsrc properties but they don't seem to make a difference:

  gst_util_set_object_arg(reinterpret_cast<GObject*>(appsrc.Get()), "format", "time");
  g_object_set(reinterpret_cast<GObject*>(appsrc.Get()), "block", false, nullptr);
  g_object_set(reinterpret_cast<GObject*>(appsrc.Get()), "is-live", true, nullptr);
  g_object_set(reinterpret_cast<GObject*>(appsrc.Get()), "do-timestamp", true, nullptr);
//  g_object_set(reinterpret_cast<GObject*>(appsrc.Get()), "stream-type", "random-access", nullptr);
//  g_object_set(reinterpret_cast<GObject*>(appsrc.Get()), "max-bytes", 1000, nullptr);

Any help would be awesome, thanks.


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