Frame drop when playing RTP stream using SDP file

Anuj Pahuja kamikazeanuj at
Thu May 5 13:07:14 UTC 2016


In my server-side application, I'm generating a raw video stream using
appsrc and streaming it out on a udpsink which is a multicast address. So
the pipeline conceptually looks like this:

*gst-launch-1.0 appsrc ! videoconvert ! video/x-raw, height=576, width=720,
format=UYVY ! rtpvrawpay ! udpsink host= port=5004*

On the receiver's side, I can play this stream properly using this pipeline:

*gst-launch-1.0 udpsrc address= port=5004 ! "application/x-rtp,
media=(string)video, clock-rate=(int)90000, encoding-name=(string)RAW,
sampling=(string)YCbCr-4:2:2, depth=(string)8, width=(string)640,
height=(string)480, colorimetry=(string)BT601-5, payload=(int)96" !
rtpvrawdepay ! videoconvert ! autovideosink*

I then converted my media information to an SDP file so that I can play the
stream without specifying the caps every time. Here's the resultant SDP

*v=0o=- 21821257167 21821257167 IN IP4 IP4 0m=video 5004 RTP/AVP 96a=rtpmap:96 RAW/90000a=fmtp:96
media=video; sampling=YCbCr-4:2:2; depth=8; width=720; height=576;
and I play this file using

*gst-launch-1.0 -v filesrc location=stream.sdp ! sdpdemux ! rtpvrawdepay !
videoconvert ! autovideosink*
The video stream plays but I'm getting a significant frame drop in the
stream. Am I doing anything wrong? I tried adding queue elements in the
above pipeline but there wasn't much change. Any suggestions would be much
appreciated. Thanks.

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