video with custom data

brateesh brateeshkumar at
Wed May 11 05:04:09 UTC 2016

i have set of images which contain custom-data(may be of key value pair type
,for example number of red pixel in image etc) which is different  for
different image. 
when set of images are converted to video, frames are compressed to video
along with properties such as height,width,encoder used etc added in the
header. i am asking whether custom-data can be stored in the video so that
while reading the frames from the video i can even read the custom data of
individual frames.

i tried to use GstMeta to store the custom-data, but since Gstmeta was lost
when format changes in the pipeline GstMeta was not helpful.
Nicolas Dufresne,  i think now you can get the picture if still it is not
clear please let me know.

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