HLS First Chunk

Nicolas Castillejos djos06 at gmail.com
Wed Nov 2 09:23:06 UTC 2016


We are encountering problem reading HLS Stream outgoing from Wowza 
Streaming Engine on our GStreamer Client. For information we try to read 
a record that has been recorded with Wowza DVR. The Problem is that when 
we start reading video from start, all is working fine, we succeed to 
read the video on our gstreamer client. But when we start the video from 
the middle of the video, for example, the video doesn't show and the 
screen is black. The poor solution we have found to correct it, at this 
time, is, each time we want to start reading video not from start, we 
re-inject the first chunk of the video then we continue with injecting 
video part that we wanna read. It results with a weird video that starts 
from zero, then after 2 sec, jump to the middle of video. With this 
solution we can watch the video.
It seems that the first chunk contains informations that other chunks 
doesn't have and that are needed to decode the video.

What do you think about this ?

Do you know a way to have these informations in other chunks ? Is there 
something to do with Wowza ? Or do we have to do something on our 
gstreamer client ?

This is a scheme of our GStreamer Pipeline if it cans help :

APPSRC -> tsDemux -> VideoBin (h264parse -> avdec_h264 -> videoconvert 
-> capsfilter)

APPSRC is used to feed  gstreamer with hls chunks. We have implemented 
our custom HLS demuxer and TS demuxer in java).


Nicolas Castillejos

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