Set Device Of DirectSoundSink not working?

Eric-Stone somedude114 at
Fri Nov 18 00:07:20 UTC 2016


I'm trying to set the device output of directsoundsink. Right now, I'm doing
this by listening to the element-setup and, if the element is
"directsoundsink", setting the device to the appropriate GUID. I'm also
reading the device property immediately after I write to it, to make sure
that I'm setting the device correctly. My code is:

static void element_setup(GstBin *playbin, GstElement *element, GUBPipeline
	if (element && pipeline && gst_element_get_factory(element)) {
		if (strcmp(gst_plugin_feature_get_name(gst_element_get_factory(element)),
"directsoundsink") == 0)
			gub_log_pipeline(pipeline, "Directsoundsink found");
			g_object_set(element, "device", "{927ad741-945e-46be-ac8f-0221365a2fda}",
			g_object_set(element, "volume", 0.5, NULL);

			gchar *deviceID;
			g_object_get(element, "device", &deviceID);
			if (deviceID) {
				gub_log_pipeline(pipeline, deviceID);
			else {
				gub_log_pipeline(pipeline, "device ID is null");

The volume seems to be set correctly, but the audio is still coming out of
the default device. This is even though the returned device property is
matching what I'm inputting. Meanwhile, the command line:

gst-launch-1.0 audiotestsrc ! directsoundsink

Does work with the appropriate audio output device. Does anyone have any
ideas why this might not be working in my program? This is with gstreamer

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