Screen looses signal from gstreamer for a second or two

Nicolas Dufresne nicolas at
Fri Apr 7 18:29:11 UTC 2017

Le jeudi 06 avril 2017 à 21:53 -0700, sielf a écrit :
> Hello.
> I'm using the Gstreamer 1.4.5 with IMX plugins and  I use pipeline like
> this: imxv4l2videosrc -> imxg2dvideosink (with use-vsync=true).
> I receive  video from v4l2 device, and sometimes screen on the sink become
> blank for a second or two. After this, screen show overlay image that HDMI
> source is found and show again picture from v4l2 device. The period of such
> kind of behavior fully unpredictable it can appear 2 times in 10 seconds ar
> doesnt appear in few minutes. What is the reason of such kind behavior?

This issue seems tightly related to gstreamer-imx and or Freescale
kernel. There might be a mailing list or forum specific for this
platform were you may get better support.


p.s. You email was seen as spam by Google, not sure why.
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