Developing new plugin out of tree

Tim Müller tim at
Mon Apr 17 10:37:29 UTC 2017

On Fri, 2017-04-14 at 12:46 +0100, Russel Winder wrote:

Hi Russel,

> I am finally getting on to starting the libdvbv5 rewrite of the DVB
> plugin. Rather than work within a fork of gst-plugins-bad, it seems
> more sensible to take the dvb directory out into a new repository. 
> I'll be creating a CMake build simply to be able to use CLion for
> development, but this will be a quick hack of the far more sensible
> Meson build. The dvb directory comes with it's but this
> is just the leaf of a file tree.
> Does anyone have any experience of doing this sort of thing and can
> offer any help as to how to use the Meson build out of the tree?

I'd just make my own repo/directory for now with a file
like attached.

Then just

  export GST_PLUGIN_PATH=/path/to/your/builddir

so it gets picked up from the build dir without you having to install
it somewhere first.

Then you just hack away until it's ready for upstreaming.

Tim Müller, Centricular Ltd -
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