No video display when watching HLS streams in browsers
Chien-Ming Cheng
cmcheng at
Fri Feb 17 09:45:33 UTC 2017
On Sat, Feb 11, 2017 at 12:22 AM, Tim Müller <tim at> wrote:
> I suspect the problem is missing AU delimiters. They don't exist in the
> mp4 h264 stream, and h264parse doesn't insert them either [0]. If you
> use an encoder it will depend on your encoder whether they get inserted
> by default or not. x264enc should insert them by default these days.
Thank you for the reference [0] too. It does help.
Yes, AU delimiters do not exist in the H.264 stream. After the patch
[0] is applied to h264parse, the HLS stream can be played well in
On Fri, Feb 10, 2017 at 11:40 PM, Rand Graham <rand.graham at> wrote:
> RE: VideoJS
> I have used VideoJS successfully in the past to play back HLS streams. One way to gather more information about your failure case is to open the JavaScript console in Chrome and reload the page that is trying to playback the video. If you receive any error messages from VideoJS, you may get more information about the problem.
When using VideoJS HLS, I always open the Developer Tool in Chrome to
find errors :)
I also use omxh264enc which has inline-au-delimiter support to
generate HLS stream. I can watch the generated HLS stream in Safari.
Unfortunately, I got the following errors in Chrome:
VIDEOJS: ERROR: (CODE:3 MEDIA_ERR_DECODE) The media playback was
aborted due to a corruption problem or because the media used features
your browser did not support.
I also got the same errors when using h264parse with
inline-au-delimiter support. I have no idea how to debug this errors
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