
Dirk-Jan C. Binnema djcb.bulk at
Sat Feb 18 17:59:34 UTC 2017

On Saturday Feb 18 2017, Russel Winder wrote:

> I need to be able to add a number of minutes to a start date/time.
> Clearly the instances of a GstDateTime are immutable, nothing wrong
> there, but unlike JodaTime (and thus JSR310) in the Javaverse, there
> appear to be no methods for creating a new value from an old value and
> a delta. For example plusMinutes(40).
> Is this something no-one has ever wanted to do in GStreamer, or have I
> just missed something (very likely).

You can use the GDateTime[1], and convert using
gst_date_time_new_from_g_date_time / gst_data_time_to_g_date_time


Kind regards,

Dirk-Jan C. Binnema                  Helsinki, Finland
e:djcb at 
pgp: D09C E664 897D 7D39 5047 A178 E96A C7A1 017D DA3C

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