Rtpjitterbuffer latency question

Nicolas Dufresne nicolas at ndufresne.ca
Tue Feb 28 20:45:10 UTC 2017

Le mardi 28 février 2017 à 12:10 -0800, BogdanS a écrit :
> How latency in rtpjitterbuffer works?
> I have sender side that sends h264 over udp and reciever player with
> d3dvideosink in the end.
> Reciever side: udpsrc-rtpjitterbuffer-parse-decode-d3dvideosink.
> If I put latency of rtpjitterbuffer to 1000, when I send from sendee
> with
> hight rate [x8] (fast playback )   memory usage are growing up to
> infinity. 
> If I put latency to 100 , memory is not growing (or growing slow),
> but  when
> I want to see 0.25 rate playback its really jitty.
> Using 1.6.1 gs.
> So my question if latency this is a time that jitterbuffer keeps
> inside or
> this is a diff between timestamps?

That latency instruct the sinks to delay the playback. As a side
effect, data arriving on-time, will accumulate. They can accumulate in
the jitter buffer, but also in any queues inside your pipeline.

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