Stopping multiple osxaudiosink instances leads to AURemoteIO IOThread error

Arun Raghavan arun at
Thu Jan 5 06:56:25 UTC 2017

On Wed, 4 Jan 2017, at 04:01 AM, jml5qh wrote:
> Doing some testing, I can fix this issue by moving the following line
> above
> AudioOutputUnitStop in gstosxcoreaudiocommon.
> gst_core_audio_io_proc_stop:
>   if (core_audio->io_proc_active) {
>     gst_core_audio_remove_render_callback (core_audio);
>   }
> Any ideas why this would fix it? Is this just a red herring? Any thoughts
> on
> ways to fix this? TIA for any help you can provide.

As you say, there isn't really any callback to AudioUnitGetProperty in
the render callback. I wonder if there is some idiosyncrasy/bug in the
AudioUnit code that can't deal with the render callback being active + a
get property on another thread + potentially a call to stop the io_proc
from a third thread.

-- Arun

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