How to "broadcast" live video source within same process

philippe renon philippe_renon at
Mon Jul 10 17:57:23 UTC 2017

To overcome the limitation that you can have only one ksvideosrc (or v4l2src) connected to a given usb camera, I am trying to come up with a solution where one producer pipeline that conencts to the usb camera and "broadcasts" the video to one or more consumer pipelines.
I can't use a single pipeline with a tee because the number and nature of consuming pipelines is not known.I also want to avoid building a complex and dynamic pipeline.
What I have come up at this point is :

gst-launch-1.0.exe -vm videotestsrc is-live=true ! rtpgstpay config-interval=1 ! udpsink port=50002
gst-launch-1.0.exe -vm udpsrc port=50002 ! rtpgstdepay ! autovideosink

But it does not work. Seems like the producer does not send any packets.
Two questions:1/ how to make the producer/consumer work if possible at all2/ are there alternative ways to achieve the stated goal
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