Unknown method "find_library" in object with only sample code.
loca2tango at gmail.com
Fri Jun 9 10:13:06 UTC 2017
Hello I have a problem compiling with sample codes. The error is in red
color text.
Thank you for your reply in advance.
1. error message
jts at jts:~/gst-examples/playback/player/gst-play$ meson builddir
The Meson build system
Version: 0.29.0
Source dir: /home/jts/gst-examples/playback/player/gst-play
Build dir: /home/jts/gst-examples/playback/player/gst-play/builddir
Build type: native build
Build machine cpu family: x86_64
Build machine cpu: x86_64
Project name: gst-player
Native c compiler: cc (gcc 5.4.0-6ubuntu1)
Found pkg-config: /usr/bin/pkg-config (0.29.1)
Native dependency gstreamer-1.0 found: YES 1.8.3
Native dependency gstreamer-player-1.0 found: YES 1.8.3
Meson encountered an error in file meson.build, line 6, column 0:
Unknown method "find_library" in object.
2. file: meson.build
jts at jts:~/gst-examples/playback/player/gst-play$ cat *.build
project ('gst-player','c') => I append this
gst_dep = dependency('gstreamer-1.0')
gstplayer_dep = dependency('gstreamer-player-1.0', version: '>=')
cc = meson.get_compiler('c')
*m_dep = cc.find_library('m', required : true)*
dependencies : [gst_dep, gstplayer_dep, m_dep])
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