videomixer handling of the SEGMENT events?

Vladislavs Zaluckis v.zaluckis at
Wed Jun 14 10:44:50 UTC 2017


I am trying to use videomixer to do overlay graphics over the "main" video.
My "main" pipeline is changed dynamically to implement gapless playout. My
idea was to overlay a semi-transparent static graphic image over the video

The problem I am having now is that videomixer does not forward my original
SEGMENT events, but sends its own segment instead, which starts from 0. I
use segments (seek) to implement in- and out-markers in the files for
playout. As soon as I added the videomixer element (even without connecting
other sinks, just the "main" video), my video stitching no longer works.
Basically it says that all frames are from the past for 2nd and all the
rest files after the 1st. The 1st file plays normally. So the questions are:

   1. how should I handle the situation when I have different segments
   incoming on different sinks of videomixer, say one sink has a permanent
   segment of just 0..-1 and another sink has the segment changing time after
   time (1 seek on each new file)?
   2. is there something wrong with the way I currently construct and
   operate the whole pipeline maybe?

I am attaching the pipeline snapshot at the point where two files are
connected: one is playing and another is prepared and waiting on the
concat. I am also attaching the debug log. It is not totally complete, the
following filters were used:

log file:
pipeline dump:

Will appreciate any advice. Thanks!

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