streaming .mp4 file with appsrc from android via rtsp

Nicolas Dufresne nicolas at
Fri Jun 16 16:11:15 UTC 2017

Le vendredi 16 juin 2017 à 06:25 -0700, valerik931 a écrit :
> I want to start rtsp server, get from android code byte array and put it in
> pipeline via appsrc. how can I config appsrc caps to make it right and is
> this pipeline right?

You need to set the "caps" property on appsrc, because you push the
first frame. The caps will depend on the H264 stream format you are
using. "video/x-h264,stream-format=..." should be sufficient, stream-
format would be one of avc, avc3 or byte-stream.
> "appsrc name=mysrc is-live=true max-bytes=0 do-timestamp=true min-latency=0
> ! h264parse ! rtph264pay name=pay0 pt=96 "
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