Webrtc DSP in Gstreamer

Nicolas Dufresne nicolas.dufresne at collabora.com
Thu Mar 16 14:50:18 UTC 2017

Le jeudi 16 mars 2017 à 09:19 +0100, Alexandre Malingreau a écrit :
> Indeed I use two pipelines but these pipelines are in the same loop
> (and the shared gst parameters). I don’t see any particular problem
> because the dsp can easily communicate with de probe and cancel the
> echo properly. 

It's going to be racy, it will stop working from time to time. Again,
this is not supported and in any case, it should be trivial to use a
single GstPipeline with multiple independent graphs.

> > More details is always better.
> > Nicolas
> My problem is solved, thanks for your response and your help !
> And above all, thanks for the integration to GStreamer !

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