queue + gstreamer 1.0

Michael MacIntosh mmacintosh at linear-systems.com
Wed Nov 15 18:29:56 UTC 2017


You can try setting the "min-threshold-buffers" property on the queue:


But I am pretty sure that would still cause the same issue.  You can 
also try reducing the min-threshold-buffers property after the running 
signal has been emited.

Another option would be to replace the queue with queue2 and set 
"use-buffering" to true, then it would wait for the queue2 to fill up, 
but I haven't used queue2 for this so your mileage may vary.


Either way, the encoder falling behind isn't good.  Try lower settings 
or if you are using x264, try enabling zero-latency. Because even if you 
enable buffering, it will just take longer for the problem to surface, 
because the encoder might not "catch-up" to current time.


On 11/15/2017 3:04 AM, nagendra sarma wrote:
> hi all
> my pipeline has video encoder followed by queue as below
> encode ---> queue --> rtph264pay --> udpsink
> due to some technical issues, my encoder give frames sometimes late
> dut to this, the decoder is going for toss.
> now, to avoid this i wanted to maintain some buffer in queue and dispatch
> the buffers at regular intervals
> is it possible with queue ?
> to make it simple, can i push buffer to next element to regular intervals ?
> regards
> Nagendra
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