MJPG camera to hlssink

Nicolas Dufresne nicolas at ndufresne.ca
Sun Nov 19 21:48:49 UTC 2017

Le dimanche 19 novembre 2017 à 13:38 -0500, Jerry Geis a écrit :
> Hi Nicolas.
> Thanks!  So I changed everything to this:
> gst-launch-1.0 souphttpsrc location= is-live=true '!' multipartdemux '!' jpegdec '!' openh264enc '!' mpegtsmux '!' hlssink playlist-root= location=/home/silentm/public_html/hlssink/hlssink.camera.0.%05d.ts target-duration=1 max-files=3 playlist-length=2 playlist-location=/home/silentm/public_html/hlssink/playlist.camera.0.m3u8
> I see the ts file but only 1. It just keeps growing. It never changes to a next file.
> Do I have something wrong? it should quickly rotate between three files.

I'm not sure these settings will work very well considering how HLS
works, a bit agressive, and limit out of spec.

But other then tat, I just tested with v4l2src (my webcam) since I
didn't have a network cam to test with, and it just worked really
(1.12.3). Have you made sure that your souphttpsrc ! multipartdemux
worked fine ?


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