Usage examples tls-interaction property for rtspsrc and souphttpsrc

Mandar Joshi emailmandar at
Sat Oct 7 13:27:10 UTC 2017

> I got verification return value as 0 in tls_accept_certificate function. But
> still couldn't get it to work and see the video.

Are you returning TRUE in the accept_certificate callback in
surveillance-tls-interaction.c ?

> *Do you also set the following on client side?*
>   //validate all
>   *g_object_set (G_OBJECT (source), "tls-validation-flags",

I am not setting "tls-validation-flags". This could be the reason you
are not getting video.

>   //not sure if tls-database is required to be set if ca_cert is already
> specified.
>   //not sure if cacert and database will be different or the same.

I had to use tls-database with souphttsrc. Didn't need it with rtspsrc
and rtspclientsink.
I had to set ssl-strict to FALSE with souphttpsrc due to the nature of
the certificates I am using.

> *Do you also set the following on server side?*
>  * GTlsDatabase* database = g_tls_file_database_new
> ("/home/enthusiasticgeek/gstreamer/cert/toyCA.pem", &error);*
>  * gst_rtsp_auth_set_tls_database (auth, database);*
>   *ca_cert =
> g_tls_certificate_new_from_file("/home/enthusiasticgeek/gstreamer/cert/toyCA.pem",&error);*

I am not doing this on gst-rtsp-server

>  //Is this required for strict check?
> *gst_rtsp_auth_set_tls_authentication_mode(auth,
This is required only if you want the client to send a certificate
while establishing the TLS connection.

Mandar Joshi

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