gstreamermm C++ vs C calls

Nicolas Dufresne nicolas at
Thu Sep 14 14:19:21 UTC 2017

Le jeudi 14 septembre 2017 à 09:53 +0100, Russel Winder a écrit :
> > Ignore glsinkbin, it's just a wrapper. gtkglsink, gtksink, qmlglsink
> > are widget sink. They don't support GstVideoOverlay. Use glimagesink,
> > xvimagesink if you don't want to use a separate window for overlaying
> > your video. The widget based sink are design to be composed within your
> > widget tree. Instead of using the GstVideoOverlay interface, you get
> > the "widget" property on them, and add the widget to you UI the way it
> > works in your widget library.
> It seems that, at least on Debian Sid with i915, trying to use a gtkglsink
> *not* wrapped in a glsinkbin fails, I have reverted to doing the wrapping.

I think you have miss-understood my message. Of course you need the
wrapper (or minimally glupload ! glcolorconvert) for the gtkglsink to
work. What I was saying, is that these widget base sink don't support
rendering to an XID or similar native window handle. Instead they will
blend their content in the widget draw function. In the case of
gtkglsink, what you need to be aware is that at the end of the render,
a pixman copy will happen. This will go away in GTK 4, when the widget
drawing will become fully OpenGL based (like QT/QML).

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