Gstreamer iSSUE: gstaudiobasesrc.c(863): gst_audio_base_src_create (): /GstPipeline:pipeline0/GstAlsaSrc:alsasrc0: Dropped 233240 samples. This is most likely because downstream can't keep up and is consuming samples too slowly.

Shrikant Lahase shrikant at
Thu Sep 21 04:39:47 UTC 2017

Hi Nicolas,

I am facing issue while receiving audio from the remote sender and playing
it with my *USB audio card.* I am using the raspberry pi board.

I am getting error as:

* WARNING: from element /GstPipeline:pipeline0/GstAlsaSrc:alsasrc0: Can't
record audio fast enough Additional debug info: gstaudiobasesrc.c(863):
gst_audio_base_src_create (): /GstPipeline:pipeline0/GstAlsaSrc:alsasrc0:
Dropped 1760 samples. This is most likely  downstream can't keep up and is
consuming samples too slowly.*

This happens when trying to speak very fast at sender end.
My receive command is:

" *gst-launch-1.0 -v --gst-debug-level=4  udpsrc port=5003 ! audio/x-raw,
layout=interleaved, rate=8000, format=S16LE, channels=2, endianness=4321,
width=16, depth=16, signed=true ! audioconvert ! autoaudiosink*"

1. I tried setting parameter *sync=false, *with this parameter, i'm not
getting above error line  But creates delay and sometimes voice cuts.
2. Do I need to set *buffer-size* at both ends..?

Please tell me any solution

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