Problem with video-meta height and width

vmk veereshkadsani at
Thu Aug 30 05:12:26 UTC 2018


I have sender and receiver application with following pipeline

appsrc name=src ! videoconvert ! video/x-raw,format=I420 ! jpegenc !
rtpjpegpay ! udpsink name=sink host=x.x.x.x port=xxxx

udpsrc port=xxx
! rtpjpegdepay ! jpegdec ! videoconvert ! video/x-raw,format=RGBA ! appsink 
name=sink sync=true

I create gstbuffer at sender side and filling property from
gst_buffer_add_video_meta_full() with width and height as 250x250.

in the receiver side i see extra data(vertical bar) to the right side of my
original buffer sent. If I check the GstVideoMeta width and height it gives
me 256x256.

why is this change in width & height. I read somehwere padding is added to
align it to 16-pixel boundary. Is there any way that I can disable/avoid

I am using GStreamer 1.10.2
Thanks In advance

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