HLS question...is there a way not to override old videos prior to maximum capacity?

gligart gligart at gmail.com
Mon Jul 9 15:11:13 UTC 2018

Hello community, I'm using a gstreamer pipeline which reads from a shared
memory and save videos on a playlist in a circular buffer. 
This is the pipeline:  gst-launch-1.0 shmsrc socket-path=/tmp/foo
do-timestamp=true is-live=true !
                              video/x-raw, width=640, height=480,
framerate=5/1, format=YUY2, pixel-aspect-ratio=1/1,
interlace-mode=progressive !
                              queue !
                              videorate max-rate=5 !
                              queue !
                              autovideoconvert !
                              x264enc bitrate=512 key-int-max=5
tune=zerolatency !
                              h264parse ! 
                              mpegtsmux !
                              hlssink max-files=10 target-duration=30
location=video%05d.mp4 playlist-location=playlist.m3u8

Everything works fine normally, meaning when the 10-th video has been closed
and the 11-th starts to save the 1-st video gets canceled, and that's how
I'm expecting gstreamer to behave. Good.

In a different situation though I can't get gstreamer to do what I expect, I
explain in details what it is happening: If I stop the process of gst-launch
(killing the process of it) and I restart the same gstreamer pipeline with
the same parameters as before in the same directory, I expect that it should
append a new video as the n-th video. Gstreamer though starts overwriting
the old files (starting from the 1-st) even if the number of files hasn't
reached the max amount of files chosen via "max-files". Is there any way to
keep saving in the playlist already present appending videos to it instead
of starting rewriting the old videos since the maximum capacity of number of
files has not been reached yet? 

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