AW: AW: AW: Serial port interface on frame grabber

vk_gst venkateshkuppan26 at
Mon Jul 23 09:41:59 UTC 2018

Hi James,

Thanks for the update. 
I definitely, want to use the existing GStrreamer elements, rather than
writing my own and introducing more bugs.  
The IMU device which I am supposed to use, provides a trigger signal that
provides me the latest sample of IMU data. So my idea is now to trigger this
signal at every frame capture, and then I have the IMU data for that
particular frame, with a minimum delay. However, I have 2 questions here:

1. I could find any API ' static gboolean gst_imx_v4l2src_start(GstBaseSrc
*src) ' that reads from the camera device. I am thinking of exporting a
trigger from this API for every success the API returns. However, I do not
know if this call happens every frame; there is not much description
provided. Is there any other way, that I can trigger the IMU after every
frame is read? Generally, the camera provides a VSnc signal that marks the
reading of complete frame, but the camera I am using (OV5640) does not have
such a trigger.  

2. For sending the IMU data with the frames, should I be using AppSrc ?
Would the IMU data also be readable at the receiver side when I read the
AppSrc? This is because I want the video data and IMU data separately at the


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