The gst-inspect version is different from gstreamer version

syamkrajagopalan syamkrajagopalan at
Wed Jun 6 19:21:12 UTC 2018

I am using Ubuntu 16.04. In an attempt to solve  this
problem, I installed gstreamer using  this

After installation I realized that this is not the version(1.12.5) that I
need. At this point `gst-launch-1.0 --gst-version` returned `GStreamer Core
Library version 1.12.5`. So, I tried removing everything by:

sudo apt-get remove *gstreamer*
sudo apt-get purge *gstreamer*

I also deleted different gstreamer files found in different locations. After
removing a lot of files and directories, my output for `gst-launch-1.0
--gst-version` changed to: `GStreamer Core Library version 1.8.3.` However,
`gst-inspect-1.0 --version` gives the output:

gst-inspect-1.0 version 1.12.5
GStreamer 1.8.3
Unknown package origin

How can I fix the version of `gst-inspect` (upgrade to 1.8.3)?

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