vaapi, tee and pango overlay

Wolfgang Grandegger wg at
Thu Jun 14 17:35:47 UTC 2018


still trying to understand how things could be done efficiently with
GStreamer. Next I would like to receive and display a JPEG encoded
RTP-Stream and write it in H.264 format to a file at the same time. Here
is the pipeline I use:

# gst-launch-1.0 udpsrc port=50004 \
  ! application/x-rtp,encoding-name=JPEG,payload=26 \
  ! queue ! rtpjpegdepay ! vaapijpegdec ! timeoverlay \
  ! tee name=t \
  t. ! queue ! vaapipostproc ! kmssink \
  t. ! queue ! vaapih264enc ! filesink location=/tmp/test.h264

This does not work! The screen goes black and nothing is recorded to the
file. But it work without "timeoverlay" and also with "jpegdec" instead
of "vaapijpegdec". Both streams also work without tee: Is this a known
issue with VAAPI... or have I missed something!



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