GES 1.12 -- Multiple encodings to multiple files

David Ing ding at
Fri Jun 29 23:24:08 UTC 2018

To partially answer my own question:  I think I need to use a *GstPipeline*
rather than a *GESPipeline* (so I can have full control over the
GstElements which do the encoding and writing to files).

On another email thread, it was suggested that GESTimeline and GstPipeline
are not 100% compatible with each other:

>     The GES timeline can indeed be used in a regular gstreamer pipeline,
but there
>     are some undocumented quirks, amongst them the "query-position"
signal emitted
>     by the NLEComposition wrapped by the GESTrack object, this is why
using GESPipeline
>     is the recommended approach.

If I use GESTimeline with GstPipeline, what kinds of trouble can I expect?

On Fri, Jun 29, 2018 at 1:32 PM, David Ing <ding at> wrote:

> I am using GES 1.12 and I am trying to build a single GESPipeline with a
> somewhat complicated set of outputs.  I am coding in C++ (using gstreamer
> headers and libs).
> Consider a representative example:
> I have built a GESTimeline which sits inside a GESPipeline.
> I want to generate multiple encodings.
>    1. Low quality video AVC (h.264)
>       2. Mid quality video AVC (h.264)
>       3. High quality video AVC (h.264)
>       4. High quality audio AAC
> I want to shunt these encodings into multiple containers.
>    1. HLS folder (all encodings)
>       2. MP4 high quality (encodings 3 & 4)
>       3. MP4 mid quality (encodings 2 & 4)
> Presumably, the most efficient approach (computationally) is to use a
> single pipeline for all of this.  *Computational efficiency is of
> paramount importance to me.*
> My question is:*  What approach should I take?*
> One approach is to manually construct the GstElements I need for encoding
> and muxing, and connect them together in the appropriate way within the
> GESPipeline (I guess they would source directly from the sinks on the
> GESTimeline).  Is that the correct approach?  Or is there another approach
> that will work better?
> *Guidance is appreciated.*
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