AW: AW: AW: Serial port interface on frame grabber

vk_gst venkateshkuppan26 at
Fri Jun 29 16:30:48 UTC 2018

Hi james,

What you suggest is really a good idea. I will try to use the strace and
configure the block size to see some improvements. However I did not
understand the below suggestion:

"Split the problem.  Temporarily exclude the serial link by emulating
it between two GStreamer pipelines.  Locate or write a serial port
emulator which feeds a byte at a time and pauses for a very short time
in order to achieve 115200 baud throughput.  Perhaps the Ubuntu
package trickle could be used for ideas.

Measure the timing of arrival of serial data, and reproduce that same
timing in the emulator. "

Could you please explain it into a more broader perspective. What do you
suggest by "emaulating it between 2 GStreamer pipelines".

My thesis just got more complicated.  :(


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