h264parse and picture id increment

Olivier CrĂȘte olivier.crete at collabora.com
Sun Mar 25 18:35:51 UTC 2018


It should work, but it's not impossible that the parser is broken. Can you file a bug at https://bugzilla.gnome.org and attach a sample clip there with the pipeline you're trying?


On March 23, 2018 3:23:06 PM EDT, Matteo Valdina <matteo.valdina at gmail.com> wrote:
>I'm facing some issue with an RTP/H.264 stream. This stream each
>send SPS PPS with a different picture id. The following frames are
>based on
>the new picture id.
>From the log file, it looks like that the h264parse will recognize the
>first SPS PPS but ignore the new.
>Is it expected to work?
>Matteo Valdina

Olivier CrĂȘte
olivier.crete at collabora.com

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