extraction of klv metdata

gagankumarnigam gagankumarnigam at bel.co.in
Wed May 9 11:23:46 UTC 2018


Is there any pipeline in gstreamer which can play as well as extract klv

I am using gstreamer-1.10.4 which is having support for klv data. With the
use of examples of rtpklvpay/rtpklvdepay i am able to extract the data from
video. which can also be easily found out on internet.

I tried to play this video having klv metdata but result in failure. But
when i play it with totem player it always asks meta/x-klv decoder , still
it plays. Video is downloaded from the link given below:

I tried combination like :

gst-launch-1.0 filesrc location=DayFlight.mpg ! tsparse ! tsdemux !
meta/x-klv ! rtpklvpay ! autovideosink

Can anybody have any idea how to play play and extract the klv data fro

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