no such element factory srtpdec/srtpenc
Vinicius Tona
vftona at
Wed May 23 18:29:45 UTC 2018
Hi everyone,
Not sure if this is the right place to post, but I'm getting the following
error messages while running a specific pipeline on my Mac
** (SendRecv:41121): WARNING **: 13:20:14.734: tried to set connection-id
after disabling DTLS
0:00:00.090049000 41121 0x7fc46b460190 WARN dtlssrtpenc
gstdtlssrtpenc.c:269:gst_dtls_srtp_enc_set_property:<dtlssrtpenc0> tried to
set is-client after disabling DTLS
0:00:00.090110000 41121 0x7fc46b460190 WARN GST_ELEMENT_FACTORY
gstelementfactory.c:456:GstElement *gst_element_factory_make(const gchar *,
const gchar *): no such element factory "srtpdec"!
0:00:00.090115000 41121 0x7fc46b460190 ERROR dtlssrtpdec
gstdtlssrtpdec.c:171:gst_dtls_srtp_dec_init:<GstDtlsSrtpDec at 0x7fc4693092a0>
failed to create srtp_dec, is the srtp plugin registered?
** (SendRecv:41121): WARNING **: 13:20:14.734: tried to set connection-id
after disabling DTLS
0:00:00.090151000 41121 0x7fc46b460190 WARN GST_ELEMENT_FACTORY
gstelementfactory.c:456:GstElement *gst_element_factory_make(const gchar *,
const gchar *): no such element factory "srtpenc"!
0:00:00.090155000 41121 0x7fc46b460190 ERROR dtlssrtpenc
gstdtlssrtpenc.c:178:gst_dtls_srtp_enc_init:<GstDtlsSrtpEnc at 0x7fc469309480>
failed to create srtp encoder, is the srtp plugin registered?
I do have srtp installed and gst-plugins-bad with all options available in
brew but for some reason I still have libgstsrtp missing :/
Any help is welcome
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