Problems with gst-plugins-bad and Cerbero
Vinicius Tona
vftona at
Wed May 30 12:34:54 UTC 2018
Thanks for all the inputs!
I will give it a try and see how it goes
On Wed, May 30, 2018 at 12:21 AM, Matthew Thyer <
matthew.thyer at> wrote:
> I have now totally given up on Cerbero and have written a script that
> builds just the subset of GStreamer that I require from the released
> sources (not git). By setting the variables in the script correctly you can
> but some or all of GStreamer for the installation prefix of your choice.
> The script is Ubuntu or at least Debian specific in that it installs the
> required prerequisite packages using “sudo apt install”.
> Just look for the two comment lines that include “(assumes Ubuntu host)”
> if you want to modify this behaviour.
> You’ll want to carefully consider the prerequisite packages and the
> arguments to configure for each GStreamer module to get your desired
> behaviour.
> By default, the script will build in folder GStreamer release 1.14.1 for
> the prefix “/usr/local/gstreamer1.0” in the temporary build folder
> “~/build”.
> By default it only builds the modules “gstreamer”, “gst-plugins-base”,
> “gst-plugins-good” & “gst-rtsp-server” as that’s what I require.
> Note that if you build for a prefix other than “/usr/local” you’ll need to
> set LD_LIBRARY_PATH to include your prefix/lib or correctly link your
> application for the appropriate runtime library search path.
> The script is:
> #!/usr/bin/env bash
> # Author: Matthew Thyer
> # Date: 24-28 May 2018
> # Build and install a subset of GStreamer from released sources.
> # Actually a generic autoconf project builder that can build anything
> # with appropriate setting of the environment variables
> # Note that sudo must already be installed
> # Where we'll fetch, extract and build the sources (must not already
> exist!)
> BUILD_ROOT="${BUILD_ROOT:-~/build}"
> # The release to fetch, configure, build & install
> RELEASE="${RELEASE:-1.14.1}"
> # Installation prefix
> PREFIX="${PREFIX:-/usr/local/gstreamer1.0}"
> export PKG_CONFIG_PATH="${PREFIX}/lib/pkgconfig"
> # Prerequisite packages that need to be installed (assumes Ubuntu host)
> PREREQS="curl xz-utils build-essential bison flex python3 glib2.0
> liborc-0.4-dev"
> # If building the x264 codec from the gst-plugins-ugly module you'll also
> need libx264-dev
> #PREREQS="curl xz-utils build-essential bison flex python3 glib2.0
> liborc-0.4-dev libx264-dev"
> # Where to source the sources
> SRC_URL=""
> # Arrary of which GStreamer components to build
> declare -a COMPONENTS=('gstreamer'
> 'gst-plugins-base'
> 'gst-plugins-good'
> #'gst-plugins-ugly'
> 'gst-rtsp-server');
> # Common configure flags for each of the above components
> COMMON_CONF_FLAGS='--disable-maintainer-mode --disable-examples
> --disable-gtk-doc-html'
> # Array of additional configure flags for each of the above components
> declare -a ADDL_CONF_FLAGS=('--disable-tests --disable-benchmarks
> --disable-check'
> '--enable-orc'
> '--enable-orc'
> #'--enable-orc'
> '')
> # Number of parallel make jobs
> njobs=$(getconf _NPROCESSORS_ONLN 2>/dev/null || getconf NPROCESSORS_ONLN
> 2>/dev/null || echo 1)
> # Start
> prog=`basename $0`
> num_comps=${#COMPONENTS[@]}
> num_flags=${#ADDL_CONF_FLAGS[@]}
> if [ -d "${BUILD_ROOT}" ]; then
> echo "${prog}: ERROR: Build folder \"${BUILD_ROOT}\" already exists!"
> exit 1
> fi
> if [ $num_comps -ne $num_flags ]; then
> echo "${prog}: ERROR: Arrays COMPONENTS & ADDL_CONF_FLAGS must contain
> the same number of elements"
> exit 1
> fi
> # Install prerequisites (assumes Ubuntu host) and make the build root
> folder
> sudo apt update
> sudo apt -y upgrade
> sudo apt install -y ${PREREQS}
> mkdir -p "${BUILD_ROOT}"
> x=0
> while [ $x -lt $num_comps ]; do
> cd "${BUILD_ROOT}"
> y=`expr $x + 1`
> # Fetch
> echo "[(${y}/${num_comps}) ${COMPONENTS[$x]} -> fetch ]"
> echo "Fetching ${SRC_URL}${COMPONENTS[$x]}/${
> COMPONENTS[$x]}-${RELEASE}.tar.xz"
> tar.xz
> # Extract
> echo "[(${y}/${num_comps}) ${COMPONENTS[$x]} -> extract ]"
> tar -xJpf ${COMPONENTS[$x]}-${RELEASE}.tar.xz
> # Configure
> echo "[(${y}/${num_comps}) ${COMPONENTS[$x]} -> configure ]"
> cd "${COMPONENTS[$x]}-${RELEASE}"
> ./configure --prefix="${PREFIX}" ${COMMON_CONF_FLAGS}
> ${ADDL_CONF_FLAGS[$x]} 2>&1 | tee configure.log
> # Make
> echo "[(${y}/${num_comps}) ${COMPONENTS[$x]} -> make ]"
> make -j $njobs 2>&1 | tee make.log
> # Install
> echo "[(${y}/${num_comps}) ${COMPONENTS[$x]} -> make install ]"
> sudo make install 2>&1 | tee make-install.log
> x=$y
> done
> echo "${prog}: INFO: All done!"
> exit 0
> *From:* gstreamer-devel <gstreamer-devel-bounces at> *On
> Behalf Of *David Ing
> *Sent:* Wednesday, 30 May 2018 4:13 AM
> *To:* Discussion of the development of and with GStreamer <
> gstreamer-devel at>
> *Subject:* Re: Problems with gst-plugins-bad and Cerbero
> There is currently an unresolved bug related to debian package paths:
> A likely solution is described in the bug related to a ~/custom.cbc file
> (part of Matthew Thyer's proposed solution).
> However, if you just want to rebuild and re-install the one package, this
> is faster (assuming you are on Linux):
> cd gst-plugins-bad
> ./
> make
> sudo make install && sudo ldconfig
> On Tue, May 29, 2018 at 11:18 AM, Vinicius Tona <vftona at> wrote:
> Hi,
> I have a docker image with GStreamer built using Cerbero.
> I want to add some logs in *gstwebrtcbin.c *to better understand how it
> works but when I try to follow the documentation
> <> to
> recompile *gst-plugins-bad *I end up not seeing my change in place (Even
> though it was compiled properly)
> I think the problem is my --prefix since I'm running inside *
> cerbero-unstalled* but I tried a bunch of paths with no success
> Any help will be much appreciated
> --
> "If we can really understand the problem, the answer will come out of it,
> because the answer is not separate from the problem." - Krishnamurti
> Vinícius Faria Toná
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"If we can really understand the problem, the answer will come out of it,
because the answer is not separate from the problem." - Krishnamurti
Vinícius Faria Toná
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