valve and mp4mux break a pipeline flow

Grégoire Gentil gregoire at
Sun Nov 4 00:06:04 UTC 2018

I have the following video pipeline:

filesrc ! qtdemux name=demux ! queue ! h264parse ! valve drop=false ! 
mp4mux name=mux ! filesink

If I turn true/false the drop property of the valve element, the 
pipeline continues running and the video input "advances" as it should 
be. So far, so good.

If I add audio with a fakesink to the pipeline:

filesrc ! qtdemux name=demux ! queue ! h264parse ! valve drop=false ! 
mp4mux name=mux ! filesink demux. ! aacparse ! valve drop=false ! fakesink

everything works fine the same way as above.

But if I link audio to mp4mux:

filesrc ! qtdemux name=demux ! queue ! h264parse ! valve drop=false ! 
mp4mux name=mux ! filesink demux. ! aacparse ! valve drop=false ! mux.

when I turn true both valves at the same time, the pipeline gets stuck. 
The buffers are not flowing anymore.

Any idea why and how I could fix this problem?


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