unix2dos conversion

philippe renon philippe_renon at yahoo.fr
Tue Sep 25 19:48:23 UTC 2018

Your question is not related to GStreamer...
But get rid of the colons in your file names. Windows does not allow them. 

    Le Mardi 25 septembre 2018 9h32, Shubham Shrivastava <shubham333vm at gmail.com> a écrit :

 Can anyone please tell how to read the same filename in windows as it shows in linux.Because i am makiing file using gstreamer in linux and accessing those files from windows it shows weird names. 
I searched it and found out unix2dos. After applying it as --unix2dos [Filename.mp4]it is showing this----
bitcomm-31 at bitcomm31:~$ unix2dos Gstreamer/Videos/22-09-2018/Sat_Sep_22_10\:59\:33_2018.mp4 
unix2dos: Binary symbol 0x10 found at line 1
unix2dos: Skipping binary file Gstreamer/Videos/22-09-2018/Sat_Sep_22_10:59:33_2018.mp4

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