There is large landency with appsrc, how to choose the video source?

Nicolas Dufresne nicolas at
Mon Apr 29 12:06:47 UTC 2019

Le lun. 29 avr. 2019 04 h 25, kevin_yang <sxsnyk at> a écrit :

> Hello Everyone,
> I'm new to the gstreamer, and I need to use gst-rtsp-server in our project.
> The use case is there is a camera, and I can get the camera video data by
> socket. And I need to use rtsp server to handle those video data and
> boardcast them.
> I tried to use appsrc, but it has large landency and caton. "appsrc
> name=mysrc is-live=true do-timestamp=true ! h264parse ! decodebin ! x264enc
> tune=zerolatency ! rtph264pay name=pay0 pt=96"

Can you specify how large ? Which client is being used ?

> I searched a lot on Google, but didn't make sence.
> Should I continue using appsrc? If yes, how to use it? if no, which compent
> is good for me?

Appsrc should be fine, but you may want to configure the appsrc queue with
a limit. Specially when using do-timestamp
Since queued buffer ends up with burst of timestamp (close by).

> Thank you very much.
> --
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