GES: Questions related to the new "gessrc" element

David Ing ding at
Thu Aug 1 16:00:56 UTC 2019

I am famliar with the GES Launch command which loads a timeline file in
xges format.  The syntax is something like this:

ges-launch-1.0 --load=MY_FILE.xges

My first question is:

Now I am wondering if there is a similar kind of command using GST Launch (
*gst*-launch-1.0).  Specifically I am wondering if this is now possible via
the new "gessrc" element.

My second question is:

I am wondering how the "gessrc" element is supposed to be used.

The reason I ask is:  I have some C++ code which builds a GstPipeline which
contains a GESTimeline.  Now I wonder if it is better to put a GESSrc
inside of the GstPipeline (where the GESSrc contains the GESTimeline).
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