How to fix the Green artefacts when use 265 through UDP.
ericksonlushan at
Fri Aug 2 07:31:36 UTC 2019
Erickson.LU wrote
> Hi All and Nicolas:
> I use pipeline in my program to stream out my camera.
> Sender:
> #define DesktopUdpSink "appsrc name=mysource !"\
> " video/x-raw,width=%d,height=%d ! videoconvert ! "\
> " video/x-raw, format=(string)I420, width=(int)%d, height=(int)%d !"\
> " x265enc ! rtph265pay ssrc=1 pt=96 config-interval=5
> sprop-parameter-sets=\"12345\ !"\
> " udpsink host= port=3220 sync=false async=false"
> Receiver:
> gst-launch-1.0 udpsrc port=3220 ! "application/x-rtp, media=(string)video,
> clock-rate=(int)90000, encoding-name=(string)H265, payload=(int)96,
> ssrc=(int)1" ! rtph265depay ! avdec_h265 ! videoconvert ! autovideosink
> sync=false
> The camera resolution is 640x480. When I use stream it out and
> in
> at the same pc. The receiver is ok.
> But when I use another pc to do the receiver pipeline, the receiver always
> gets a *green artefacts* and a big delay, I think it is caused by
> *
> *as @yannick inizan said. The sender and the receiver connected by WIFI
> 2.4G.
> Indeed the sender always log *GStreamer-CRITICAL **:
> gst_segment_to_running_time: assertion 'segment->format == format'
> failed*.
> Gst_handle::Gst_handle(char *pipeline_char) {
> gst_init(NULL, NULL);
> pipeline = (GstPipeline *) gst_parse_launch(pipeline_char, NULL);
> bus = gst_pipeline_get_bus(pipeline);
> bus_watch_id = gst_bus_add_watch(bus, (GstBusFunc)bus_message,this);
> gst_object_unref(bus);
> src = gst_bin_get_by_name (GST_BIN(pipeline), "mysource");
> g_object_set(G_OBJECT(src), "caps",
> gst_caps_new_simple("video/x-raw",
> "format", G_TYPE_STRING, "BGR",
> "width", G_TYPE_INT,
> Stream_BGR_width,
> "height", G_TYPE_INT,
> Stream_BGR_height,
> "framerate", GST_TYPE_FRACTION, 30,
> 1,
> g_object_set(src, "is-live", FALSE, NULL);
> g_object_set(src, "do-timestamp", FALSE, NULL);
> loop = g_main_loop_new(NULL, FALSE);
> }
> When a new mat generated, it will be pushed by a new gst_buffer. And the
> push method like:
> int Gst_handle::push_out_frame(cv::Mat mat) {
> {
> buffer = gst_buffer_new();
> gst_buffer_remove_all_memory(buffer);
> wrapped_mem = gst_memory_new_wrapped((GstMemoryFlags) 0, (gpointer)
> Stream_BGR_width*Stream_BGR_height*3, 0,
> Stream_BGR_width*Stream_BGR_height*3, NULL,NULL);
> gst_buffer_append_memory(buffer, wrapped_mem);
> g_signal_emit_by_name(this->src, "push-buffer", buffer, &ret);
> gst_buffer_unref(buffer);
> }
> So, I want to fix the green screen artefacts, how can I do that.
> Thanks for every help from everywhere.
> --
> Sent from:
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> gstreamer-devel mailing list
> gstreamer-devel at
I use tcpdump track the package at sender side. I found the UDP length is
not always 1400, did that mean the UDP package is corrupted. The receiver
will get Green artefacts?
15:10:35.159489 IP LY-PC.55990 > LY-PC.3220: UDP, length 1400
15:10:35.159535 IP LY-PC.55990 > LY-PC.3220: UDP, length 1400
15:10:35.159579 IP LY-PC.55990 > LY-PC.3220: UDP, length 1400
15:10:35.159625 IP LY-PC.55990 > LY-PC.3220: UDP, length 1400
15:10:35.159672 IP LY-PC.55990 > LY-PC.3220: UDP, length 1400
15:10:35.159718 IP LY-PC.55990 > LY-PC.3220: UDP, length 1057
15:10:35.230474 IP LY-PC.55990 > LY-PC.3220: UDP, length 1400
15:10:35.230549 IP LY-PC.55990 > LY-PC.3220: UDP, length 1400
15:10:35.230569 IP LY-PC.55990 > LY-PC.3220: UDP, length 1400
15:10:35.230586 IP LY-PC.55990 > LY-PC.3220: UDP, length 673
15:10:35.298551 IP LY-PC.55990 > LY-PC.3220: UDP, length 1400
15:10:35.298661 IP LY-PC.55990 > LY-PC.3220: UDP, length 993
15:10:35.362794 IP LY-PC.55990 > LY-PC.3220: UDP, length 1400
15:10:35.362828 IP LY-PC.55990 > LY-PC.3220: UDP, length 1400
15:10:35.362854 IP LY-PC.55990 > LY-PC.3220: UDP, length 58
15:10:35.433455 IP LY-PC.55990 > LY-PC.3220: UDP, length 1400
15:10:35.433502 IP LY-PC.55990 > LY-PC.3220: UDP, length 1400
15:10:35.433529 IP LY-PC.55990 > LY-PC.3220: UDP, length 139
15:10:35.503354 IP LY-PC.55990 > LY-PC.3220: UDP, length 1400
15:10:35.503422 IP LY-PC.55990 > LY-PC.3220: UDP, length 1400
15:10:35.503455 IP LY-PC.55990 > LY-PC.3220: UDP, length 1400
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