Is there a way to crop in VAAPI?

kmliu liu_kim at
Sat Aug 3 01:45:58 UTC 2019

I need to decode H.264 video via VAAPI and then extract the decoded frames to
main memory. Since I intend to crop the frames anyway, I'd like to crop them
while they're still in graphics memory, to reduce memory bandwidth
consumption. So conceptually, I want to do this:

gst-launch-1.0 rtspsrc location=rtsp_uri ! rtph264depay ! vaapih264dec !
videocrop left=x right=x top=x bottom=x ! filesink location=video.yuv 

But I think this will end up copying the whole frames to main memory before
cropping it there. It would be nice if vaapipostproc supports cropping?

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