rtspsrc over tcp protocols not work

Sebastian Dröge sebastian at centricular.com
Wed Aug 7 10:21:31 UTC 2019

On Tue, 2019-08-06 at 22:49 -0500, diyin wrote:
> When I set the rtsp server with 16384 kbps H264 stream,the rtspsrc
> over tcp
> protocols can not work,
> howevre it can work  over udp protocols.
> when I set 16384 kbps H264 stream,rtspsrc can work over tcp
> protocols.
> But VLC can work both over tcp and udp on 16384 kbps, so what happend
> to the rtspsrc?

What software is the server and which GStreamer version are you using?

Can you get a wireshark dump of the communication between GStreamer and
the server and create an issue in gitlab with that? I have some guesses
what the problem here is.

Sebastian Dröge, Centricular Ltd · https://www.centricular.com

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