Getting latest gstreamer + plugins-bad with SRT support onto Debian,Ubuntu,Rasparian

Daniel Rossi electroteque at
Fri Aug 23 15:39:00 UTC 2019

Hi, I thought I would try one last time for help. I am trying to get 
gstreamer properly installed with the latest version with libsrt 
support. I am trying on Ubuntu bionic, Debian buster and the target to 
distribute to is Rasparian.

I tried and eventually gave up with the Cerbero method. The deb 
packaging was still broken, the tar packaging includes duplicated system 
libraries causing conflict.

Ubuntu has no libsrt in bionic, only 1.14 is available, a custom one 
needed to be built there, the recipes in launchpad fail to build for 

I compiled everything from  gitlab I need from sources,but Ubunu needs  
specific  configure options I'm not sure of apart from options I found 
in the package definitions.

gst-python eventually failed to find the GST  typelib even with the 
required configure command which I need. So manual installation was not 
suitable, but I require to build packages for distribution to PI devices 

Debian has no package with libsrt support but it's in the git repository 
of plugins-bad.

I've tried to come back checking out the debian git sources and making 
packages from that but its also got problems, and not up to date.

Im now looking to checkout the original gitlab sources copying the 
debian directory into those and building packages, and then keep up to 
date this way. I've been met with many roadblocks, I have never 
experienced with anything else.

I'm assuming the packages for Rasparian are out of date and need to be 
custom built also.

Easier solution , to have at least version 1.16 installed on all these 
platforms with libsrt ? a custom ppa channel ?
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